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Updated: Feb 2, 2023

Portugal has more than 10 million inhabitants, which implies a population density of 125 inhab/km², much higher than the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. The ethnic composition of Portugal is a rich combination of different peoples: Celts, Arabs, Romans, Lusitanians, Visigoths and Celtiberians.

According to the Census carried out in 2021 by the INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatística), the population of Portugal has decreased in the last decade. It represented a decrease of 2% in relation to the survey carried out in 2011.

With these data, it is already possible to verify that not even the immigration flow in recent years was enough to stop the reduction of the population in Portugal. Even with a total of 67,000 new permanent immigrants registered, the country's population had a reduction of 250,000 people. Data from Pordata, statistics portal for Portugal and Europe.

This is a trend in several countries on the European continent. The number of births does not supply the number of deaths in the last decade.

The year 2021 was marked by a historic low in the number of births in Portugal. Less than 80,000 children were born in a year. Until last year, the historic low had been recorded in 2014, the year in which about 82,000 babies were born.

After an increase in 2010, since 2011 the number of births screened with the “foot test” has not exceeded 100,000.

More than one in five inhabitants of Portugal is over 65 years old, according to the Eurosat website. Italy is the country with the most elderly people on the European continent, with 23.5% of elderly people over 65 years old, but not far from the 22.4% registered for Portugal in 2021 – which ranks fourth in the Old Continent.

Immigration in Portugal, as in the whole of Europe, is an issue that mobilizes many political discussions among the population. After all, it generates an enormous amount of cultural and social transformations.

Immigration in Portugal could slow down the decline in the number of inhabitants. The current population of 10.4 million is estimated to drop to 7.8 million by 2060 if nothing is done. Aging and low birth rates generate a shortage of skilled labor and, in 50 years, the country may only have half the population of working age. If you are planning to join the statistics and be an immigrant in Portugal, come chat with us. We can help you.



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