Opening an account in the United States is not rocket science as long as you follow the right steps.

One thing every Brazilian should do when arriving in the United States is to open a bank account. Either for receiving payments or having a safe place to keep your money.
Having an account in an American bank can also help you to save a lot in conversion rates and later in your credit score, for example.
There are many bank types in the United States; keep in mind that as soon as you get to the country, it is essential that you choose the one that most fits you in that moment.
In general, some banks will require that you have a Social Security Number or Tax ID to open an account, but some banks will not.
What documents do I need to open an account?
First, the requirements to open an account in the U.S vary from bank to bank. We listed the key documents that might be required to open an account in the U.S.
Personal data
Full name, passport number, address (even if it is Brazil), etc.
Identification documents – usually passport, driver’s license, Social Security Number or Tax ID.
Minimal deposit
Some ask for a minimal deposit at the time of opening the account. The amount, though, ranges from institution to institution.
Do not forget that having the right information prevents major headaches; that is why the Xplore Group and our partners are always committed to make your path easier in the U.S. More than a consultancy, we are responsible to help you in your journey.